Welcome to the brand new website of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience! We hope you’ll take a look around, read some of the new information we’ve added, and check back periodically to see what’s going on around here. We will very soon be adding a blog which we plan to use as another medium of communication with our research community, and we have just started social media profiles that you can use to keep in touch! Our twitter account is @Redwood_Neuro and our Instagram account is redwoodcenter. We will make announcements periodically through these avenues as well as right here on the website.
The Center is growing and many new people have joined over the last few years – you can find out what they’re up to by visiting our People page. The entire catalog of Redwood Center seminars going back for the past 6 years is available on the Seminars page, including video recordings of most of the seminars which can be accessed on each event’s page or in our Media Archive. Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you again soon!