
Denis Kleyko starts a postdoc at the Redwood Center

April 15, 2020

We would like to announce that Denis Kleyko, a computer scientist hailing from Luleå University of Technology, has joined the Redwood Center to study cognitive computation and Vector Symbolic Architectures. Denis moved to Berkeley this past January and will be with us for at least the next two years on a prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Union. Denis’s PhD at Luleå (under the supervision of Evgeny Osipov) was on Vector Symbolic Architectures and applied machine learning. He will be working with Fritz Sommer, Bruno Olshausen, Pentti Kanerva, and others at the Center on these topics. Research at the Redwood Center continues on a remote basis, and we will be very happy to rejoin Denis and all our members on the Berkeley campus once it is safe to do so.  Welcome, Denis!